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 = Sim Elliott = 

 Nature in Sussex: nature journeys made by public transport



The aim of this blog is to record some of Sussex's biodiversity; promote engagement with nature in Sussex and its surrounding counties, and promote the use of public transport to travel to nature sites. All of the nature journeys described in these posts I made by public transport from Brighton. Information about the public transport links is detailed at the beginning of each post. 

Individual species that I have seen are listed chronologically on my iNaturalist public page, click: @sim_elliott

You can also see some of my nature photos on Instagram, click: @sim_nature_world

You can can follow my public nature posts without being Facebook Friends by following my Facebook Profille, click Sim Elliott

I use iRecord to record significant species. I have done my best to identify species correctly.  If you note a mistake in identification please feel free to tell me. If you want to contact me about any aspect of this blog, email me: simeon[underscore]elliott[at]gmail[dot]com.


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