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Sim Elliott
May 6, 20243 min read
Uncovering the secrets of Tide Mills, Newhaven: Adder's-Tongue Fern, Sedge Warblers & Reed Warblers singing, and a Cunning Fox on Thursday 03.05.24
I reached Tide Mills from by the 12 bus; which has a Tide Mills bus stop. Coaster 12 - Eastbourne - Brighton | Brighton & Hove Buses. I...
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Sim Elliott
Apr 3, 20246 min read
Ashcombe Bottom, East Sussex. Relict ancient woodland on the South Downs. Birds, vascular plants, bryophytes, lichen & fungi. 01.04.21
Ashcombe Bottom, 4km west of Lewes, is one of the very few ancient woodlands left on the East Sussex Downs. Owen Johnson (1998) The...
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