After I finished my voluntary work I took the bus again to Bevendean LNR; the sun was out and there were butterflies to be seen.
A photo of Bevendean Local Nature Reserve, actually taken on my morning walk from the steps to Wilson Avenue
As soon as I walked in the reserve I saw this male Orange Tip settled on a tree. I was delighted as Orange Tips are so rarely seated; I normally see the in flight, flying round and round with out landing
Kidney vetch. A very variable species, this perennial wild plant is native to the UK, surviving in drier areas until late summer. It is the only source of food for the caterpillars of the Small Blue butterfly. Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) (
A Carder Bumblebee on Bramble blossom
On the scarp slope (facing east) of the down I saw two groups of Common Blue butterflies; one, a pair, at the north of the slop, one, thee, at the south end of the slope
The pair (including single form the pair)
A Broad-Bodied Chaser dragonfly
The trio - seemingly consisting of a pair and a singleton