9.00 - 15.15. Weather: overcast, frequent rain/drizzle; temperature: 1-3 degrees: wind: 10 mph (North/North-East; Tides: Low tide - 09:17, 1.3m High tide -15:15, 5.6m
Species seen and photographed: Turnstones, Cormorant, Mute Swans, Herring Gulls, Black-headed Gulls, Great Black-backed Gulls, Oystercatchers, Redshanks, Little Egrets, Kingfisher, Grey Plover, Brent Goose, Lapwings, Dunnock, Sparrows, Pied Wagtail, Robin, Sparrows
Species seen and not photographed: Grey Herron, Carrion Crows, Wood Pigeons, Magpies, Feral Pidgeon
Turnstone (1) Lancing Beach (Widewater)
Black-Headed Gull (many) Adur Estuary
Herring Gull (many) Adur Estuary
Great Black-backed Gull (some) Adur Estuary
Little Egrets (3) Adur Estuary
Oystercatchers (ca.20) Adur Estuary
Kingfisher (1) Adur Estuary (Railway Bridge)
Grey Plover (1) Adur Estuary
Brent Goose (1) Adur Estuary
Redshanks (many) Adur Estuary
Lapwings (ca. 50) Adur Estuary, North of Toll Bridge
Dunnock (1) Adur Estuary (north of Toll Bridge)
Pied Wagtails (2) Adur Estuary (Coronation Green)
Robbins (1) Shoreham - Ropetackle
Sparrows (ca. 10) Adur Estuary, path by Ropetackle
Cormorant (1) Widewater Lagoon, Shoreham/Lancing
Mute Swans (3) Widewater Lagoon