(a) Morning 10.10 - 10.40
Weather: 13 C; 30 mph south westerly wind; partial sun; rising tide
Total number of Fulmars seen: 8 (In previous morning observations, there have been no Fulmars present.
New behaviour observed: very short flights out to sea from cliff, coming back to cliff, landing for a couple of seconds, flying straight out the to sea and repeating. There appeared to be only one Fulmar which sat in its (future) nest sight for longer than few second. This is the first morning I have seen Fulmars present at this site at this time of day. It may be that the strength of the wind today made it difficult for the Fulmars to land on the cliffs; did the strength of the wind also explain the shorter lengths if the flights. The Fulmars did not appear to the naked eye to enter or make contact with the sea during the observed short flights.

(b) Afternoon 15.00-15.45
Weather: 13 C; 40 mph south westerly wind; sky overcast (no rain)/ Full tide. Wind much stronger than this morning
Total number of Fulmars seen: 18
As in the morning: very short flights to sea from cliff, coming back to cliff, landing for a couple of seconds, flying straight out the to sea and repeating, more birds, and much stringer wind than this morning, The Fulmars did not enter or make contact with the sea during the observed short flights.
