Warnham Nature Reserve is relatively easy to get to by public transport, as long as you don't mind a one mile walk from Horsham Station; counter-intuitively it's a much longer walk from Warnham Station! To get to Horsham's fabulous 30s station from Brighton, change at Three Bridges,

Built in 1938 by the Southern Railway in International Modern Style. Built of brown brick in English bond with stone Plinth, concrete cornice and canopy and flat roof which is partly glazed. Main entrance on North Street has an asymmetrical elliptical curve. One storey with deep stone plinth and attached concrete fluted canopy. The Ticket Office has a deeper canopy supported on 2 brick and concrete engaged columns with 7 square light fittings. HORSHAM RAILWAY STATION, Non Civil Parish - 1268292 | Historic England
The 92 acre site, owned and managed by Horsham District Council, was designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1988. It includes a 17 acre millpond, marshes, grassland, reed beds, hedges and woodlands. The site provides a haven for a variety of wildlife with over 400 species of plants, and over 100 species of bird, including a thriving Heronry, wildfowl, and all three species of Woodpecker. The beautiful Kingfisher makes the most of the waters and are regularly seen from all four bird hides. The Reserve is also rich in dragonfly – over 21 species can be seen zipping around the different wetland habitats.
The mill pond is fed by two streams, Boldings Brook and Chennels Brook, and there are three small ponds. Two board walks give access to wetlands and woodland and four hides. Warnham Nature Reserve, Horsham (warnhamnaturereservefriends.org.uk)
Juvenile Moorhens

Moulting Greenfinches

Grey Heron

Great Crested Grebe and offspring

Speckled Wood

Marsh Thistles, web, leaf and Wild Carrot

Wild Carrot

Common Darter

Marsh Thistle in the butterfly rides

Speckled Wood

Chicken of the Woods Laetiporus sulphureus on a Cherry tree

Juvenile Blackcap



Himalayan Balsam



Exfoliating bark


The Tri-helix sculpture is a triple helix formed by joining three equal rails of cleaved chestnut to make an equilateral triangle. Another identical triangle is attached to the first, this second triangle is rotated on the central axis of the triangle by 6°. This was repeated 24 times to create the Tri-Helix. The complexity that emerges from these simple steps invites consideration of the dynamic forms created in nature by the process of repetition.
In its woodland setting the Tri-Helix has the presence of a mystical beast, it was inspired by the illustrations of Diatoms and other microscopic creatures by Ernst Haeckel (1834-1915), a German Naturalist and artist who discovered and illustrated thousands of species.
The Tri Helix was built by Will Nash with staff from Warnham Nature Reserve and volunteers from the Horsham Green Gym, an independent volunteer nature conservation group run by its members, with support from Horsham District Council. Tri Helix — Will Nash

Common Darter

Female and Male Common Darter

Coot and Black-Headed Gull

Hoverfly on Water Mint

Feather suspended in web silk

I walked back to Horsham Station and got the train to Pulborough

From Pulborough station I walked across the brooks on the east path
Located within the Arun Valley in West Sussex, Pulborough Brooks has beautiful views across to the South Downs and is set in one of the richest areas for nature in the country. Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve, West Sussex - The RSPB
Oaks like people!
Ents, also known as Onodrim (Tree-host) by the Elves, were a very old race of Middle-earth. They were apparently created at the behest of Yavanna after she learned of Aulë's children, the Dwarves, knowing that they would want to fell trees. Becoming "shepherds" of the trees, they protected certain forests from Orcs and other perils. Ents | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom



Comma on Elderberries

Common Carder on Comfrey

Spear Thistle heads

Black-Tailed Godwits, Lapwings and a Great Black-Backed Gull

Speckled Wood

Admiral near the Visitors Centre


Meadow Brown on Ragwort

Common Blue on Fleabane


Large White on Fleabane

Small Heath on Knapweed

Highland Cattle for conservation grazing

Common Blue on Ragwort

Small Copper on Creeping Thistle

Green-Veined White on Fleabane

Meadow Brown on Flebane

There was NO water at all in the West Mead and Winpenny pools; this is from the Winpenny Hide

Small Heath

Speckled Wood

Common Marbled Carpet Moth


Wasp Gall - Robn's Pincushion
Living up to its name, the Robin's pincushion is a red, round, hairy growth that can be seen on wild roses. It is caused by the larvae of a tiny gall wasp that feeds on the host plant, but causes little damage. Robin's pincushion | The Wildlife Trusts


Roe Deer


Bracket Fungus

Water Mint

Walking Back to Pulborough along the Wild Art Trail; see Pulborough WildArt Trail | Discover Horsham District
