I went to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve on Monday 30th March as I wanted to see the Avocet chicks that had been born there this year. I took the the train from Brighton to Rye (change at Eastbourne) and then walked (50 minutes) from Rye Station (in the town) to the Rye Harbour.
I walked down the footpath that runs parallel with the Harbour Road, which starts close to Brede Lock, (this re-joins the Harbour Road further down).
Path to the reserve
Small Tortoiseshell

Camber Castle and sheep

Large White

Small Blue

In the reserve

Shelducks in the New Saltmarsh

and some Avocets

Avocets in the Salt Pool; some appearing nesting, but no chicks!

A female Linnet on the path

An Avocet in the New Saltmarsh

Common Terns fling over the Flat Beach

Common Terns, Black-Headed Gulls and Avocets on the Flat Beach islands from the Denny Hide

From the Parkes Hide looking over the Ternery Pool
Black-Headed Gull and chick

Two redshanks in a territorial dispute

More Terns flying over

Great-Black Backed Gull


Flat Beach

Flat Beach from the Gooders Hide
An Avocet with chic


Same chick!

Shelduck chicks


Mallards and Ducklings.
